Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Dark Knight...second take

09-Aug-08 The Dark Knight (2008) Cinema
Director: Christopher Nolan

Today, among other things, I paid extra attention to Gary Oldman. After the first time I saw this movie, I was surprised to find out that one of the actors who had been on the screen for quite some time was actually Gary Oldman: I had not recognized him, even though I thought I knew his face well. Today it was almost fascinating to realize that a pair of (fake?) mustache, a pair of glasses and a certain hairstyle could tranform a face beyond recognition. And this thought brought back to mind another role which Gary Oldman played without being recognizable: the rich Mason Verger in Ridley Scott's Hannibal (2001). And while my mind was wandering between these two films, there it happens on the screen: the Joker threatens another villain to cut his face and feed it to the villain's dogs. That is the same way Mason Verger had become disfigured: he had cut his face and fed it to his own dogs ("It seemed like a good idea at the time").

To note also a tiny cameo of Cillian Murphy: was his part meant to be bigger and ended up on the floor of the editing room?

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